
크리에이티브 아츠 대학교 (UCA)
University for the Creative Arts (UCA)

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University for the Creative Arts (UCA) (크리에이티브 아츠 대학교 (UCA))
추천 포인트
No.1 Specialist Arts Institution (Times & Sunday Times 2019. Complete University Guide 2020, Guardia
건축, 공예, 그래픽디자인, 디자인경영, 사진, 산업디자인, 순수미술, 애니메이션, 인터렉션디자인, 인테리어디자인, 쥬얼리디자인, 텍스타일/섬유디자인, 패션디자인, 패션마케팅



  • 150년 경험을 바탕으로 영국과 국제 크레이티브 산업에 기여하고 있는 성공적인 졸업생 배출
  • 총 5개 캠퍼스 운영 Canterbury, Rochester, Maidstone, Epsom, Farnham
  • 건축, 디자인, 패션, 커뮤니케이션, 그래픽, 미디어 등의 다양한 분양의 코스 제공
  • 아티스트, 디자이너, 평론가, 제조업자, 연구가 등 과의 창조적 커뮤니티 형성
  • Top 5 majors: BA (Hons) Fashion Business and Management, BA (Hons) Fashion Design, BA (Hons) Graphic Design, MA/MSc Fashion Business and Management, MA Graphic Design, MA Fine Arts
  • 랭킹: Business School for the Creative Arts (가디언 7위) / Top 5 Modern University in the UK / 아트&디자인 전문대학 1위
  • <유명졸업생>
  • 패션 디자이너 - Zandra Rhodes, Karen Millen
  • 아티스트 - Tracey Emin, Tacita Dean, Martin Handford (Creator of ‘Where’s Wally’)
  • 디자이너 - Roger Oates, Martin Lambie-Nairn
  • 영화 감독 - Gareth Edwards (Director of Star Wars: Rogue One)
  • Oscar winning filmmakers and animators - Suzie Templeton, Daniel Greaves, Michael Dudok De Wit
  • <다양한 산학연계>
  • Alexander McQueen, Apple, BBC, Comme Des Garcons, EA Games; Gucci,
  • Mulberry, Nike, Philips Design, Ridley Scott Associates, Sony, Tate Modern, Royal Opera House, The Times UK, Versace, Virgin and Vogue UK.
  • * UCA 는 각 해당분야에서 실제적인 일을 하거나 해당 분야의 업계와 긴밀한 링크를 가진 교수진들로 구성되어 있음.
  • (자세한 Careers 관련 정보 : www.ucreative.ac.uk/creative-careers )


이 학교는 2005년 The Kent Institute of Art&Design과 The Surrey Institute of Art&Design, 그리고 University College가 합병되어서 The University College for the Creative Arts학교로 이름하였고, 잉글랜드 남동부 지역의 가장 대표적인 예술대학교로 자리잡게 되었다. 런던에서 기차로 1시간에서 1시간 30분 거리 정도 떨어진 Canterbury, Epsom, Farnham, Maidstone, Rochester등 5개 지역에 각각 캠퍼스를 두고 있고 전체 학생은 6,500명 이며 Farnham campus가 가장 큰 캠퍼스이다. Art & Design 전문 서적으로만 이루어진 큰 도서관이 있으며 기숙사는 첫입학생에게 제공된다. UCA는 영국에서 가장 세분화된 다양한 학과와 창조적이고 현대적인 교육으로 인지도를 높이고 있다.

학교소개 더보기


[Pre-degree courses]

UCA Canterbury
    Access to Higher Education Diploma in Art & Design
    Foundation Diploma in Art & Design
    UALAB Level 3 Extended Diploma in Art & Design

UCA Epsom
    Foundation Diploma in Art & Design
    UALAB Level 3 Diploma in
    Art & Design
    International Foundation in Art & Design

UCA Farnham
    Access to Higher Education Diploma in Art & Design
    Foundation Diploma in Art & Design

UCA Maidstone
    Access to Higher Education Diploma in Art & Design
    Foundation Diploma in Art & Design
    UALAB Level 3 Extended Diploma in Art & Design

UCA Rochester
    Access to Higher Education Diploma in Art & Design
    Foundation Diploma in Art & Design
    UALAB Level 3 Extended Diploma in Art & Design

[Undergraduate degree courses]

UCA Canterbury
    BA (Hons) Architecture (ARB/RIBA Part 1)
    BA (Hons) Fine Art
    BA (Hons) Interior Architecture & Design

UCA Epsom
    BA (Hons) Fashion
    BA (Hons) Fashion Journalism
    BA (Hons) Fashion Management & Marketing
    BA (Hons) Fashion Promotion & Imaging

    BA (Hons) Events & Festivals Management
    BA (Hons) Graphic Design
    BA (Hons) Graphic Design: New Media
    BA (Hons) Music Journalism

UCA Farnham
    BA (Hons) Advertising & Brand Communication
    BA (Hons) Animation
    BA (Hons) Arts & Media
    BA (Hons) Computer Games Arts
    BA (Hons) Digital Film & Screen Arts
   BA (Hons) Design for Theatre, Film and Performance
    BA (Hons) Film Production
    BA (Hons) Fine Art
    BA (Hons) Graphic Communication
    BA (Hons) Hand Embroidery
    1 year top-up
    BA (Hons) Illustration
    BA (Hons) Interior Architecture & Design
    BA (Hons) Journalism
    BA (Hons) Sports Journalism
    BA (Hons) Photography
    BA (Hons) Product Design & Interaction
    BA (Hons) Textiles for Fashion & Interiors
    BA (Hons) Three Dimensional Design
    (Ceramics or Glass or Metalwork & Jewellery)
    Foundation degree Hand Embroidery

UCA Maidstone
    BA (Hons) Broadcast Media
    1 year top-up
    January 2013 entry
    BA (Hons) Graphic Design: Visual Communications
    BA (Hons) Graphic Media
    1 year top-up

UCA Rochester
    BA (Hons) Broadcast Media
    1 year top-up
    January 2014 entry
    BA (Hons) CG Arts & Animation
    BA (Hons) Contemporary Jewellery
    BA (Hons) Creative Arts for Theatre & Film
    BA (Hons) Fashion Atelier
    BA (Hons) Fashion Design
    BA (Hons) Fashion Promotion
    BA (Hons) Fashion Textiles: Print
    BA (Hons) Photography (Contemporary Practice)
    BA (Hons) Product Design

    BA (Hons) Make-up & Hair Design
    BA (Hons) Silversmithing, Goldsmithing & Jewellery
    Foundation degree Broadcast Media

[Postgraduate degree courses]

UCA Canterbury
    Graduate Diploma in Architecture (ARB/RIBA Part 2)
    MA Architecture
    MA Fine Art

UCA Epsom
    MA Arts Management
    MA Design, Innovation & Brand Management
    MA Fashion & Lifestyle Journalism
    MA Fashion Management & Marketing
    MA Fashion Promotion & Imaging
    MA Graphic Design & Communication (Professional)
    MA Graphic Storytelling & Comic Art

    MA Textiles 
    Pre-Masters Diploma:
    Art & Design Practice
    Pre-Masters Diploma:
    Art & Design Management

UCA Farnham
    MA/MFA Animation
    MA/MFA Book Arts & Production
    MA Contemporary Crafts (Ceramics, Glass, Jewellery)
    MA Fine Art
    MA Interior Design
    MFA Photography
    MA Sustainable Product Design
    MA Textiles
    PG Certificate Learning & Teaching in the Creative Arts

UCA Rochester
    MA Contemporary Jewellery
    MBA Creative Industries Management
    MA Design for Performance & Events
    MA Design
    MA Fashion
    MA Graphic Design
    MA Photography



최종학력 성적증명서, 졸업증명서
영어 성적
포트폴리오 (전공과 레벨에 따라 유무, 가이드라인 확인 필요)
에세이 (전공과 레벨에 따라 유무, 가이드라인 확인 필요)
추천서 (전공과 레벨에 따라 유무, 가이드라인 확인 필요)


International Team UCA Falkner Road, Farnham, Surrey GU9 7DS

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[영국유학] 아트유학 합격후기_UCA, Epsom_MA Design, Innovation & Brand Management

University for the Creative Arts, Epsom_김*정님 (MA Design, Innovation & Brand Management 진학 예정)        
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