

해외대학의 최신 업데이트 소식

[마감안내] 영국 노팅엄대학교(University of Nottingham) 2020년 9월 석사 지원 마감 전공 안내

2020.01.21 조회 1073

안녕하세요, edm유학센터입니다.

2020년 9월 학기 영국대학교 석사 인기 전공들이 마감 소식을 전해오고 있습니다.

영국유학에 관심있는 분들은 관심있게 봐주시면 좋을거 같습니다.


오늘 알려온 대학은 연구 중심 대학연합인 러셀그룹(Russell Group)의 일원인 노팅엄 대학교의 영국대학원 지원 마감 전공 안내입니다.

영국대학순위 : QS world Ranking 2020 세계대학순위 96위, 영국대학교 랭킹 16위


[영국석사] 전기전자공학 Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE) : 2020년 1월 24일(금) 23:59 GMT 지원 마감
As a reminder, the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (ranked 1st in the Guardian 2019), has decided to close

all postgraduate taught courses to new applications on Friday 24 January 2020.

The exact deadline to submit an application is 23:59 GMT on Friday 24 January 2020.

The application fee deadline is Friday 7 February 2020 (two weeks after the course application deadline). 


[영국석사] 컴퓨터사이언스 & 교육학과 School of Computer Science 및 School of Education2020년 1월 31일(금) 23:59 GMT 지원 마감

I'm writing with news that due to a high demand for places, the School of Computer Science and the School of Education

have decided to close a selection of postgraduate taught courses to new international (non-EU) applications, at 23:59 GMT

on Friday 31 January 2020. The application fee payment deadline will be 23:59 GMT on Friday 14 February 2020

(two weeks after the course application deadline).

The following courses will be closing to new applications on 31 January

•          MSc Computer Science or Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence)

•          MSc Human Computer Interaction

•          MSc Data Science

Related courses remaining open for applications

•          MSc Machine Learning in Science

•          MSc Human Factors and Ergonomics


The following courses will be closing to new applications on 31 January

•          MA Education

•          MA TESOL

•          MA Educational Leadership and Management

Related courses remaining open for applications

•          MA Special and Inclusive Education

•          MA Digital Teaching and Learning

•          MA Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages

•          MA Teaching English for Academic Purposes

•          MA Pearson Experiential Counselling and Psychotherapy Practice


노팅엄 대학교로의 영국유학을 희망하는 분들은, 언제든지 edm유학센터로 문의주세요:D


[영국유학] 노팅엄대학교 공식 입학지원처 edm유학센터드림

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