1:1 무료상담
진학상담부터 수속솔루션까지 edm유학센터 전문 컨설턴트와 상담해 보세요
드몽포트대학교는 연구실적과 교수법에서 가장 우수한 학교로 평가되어지고 있다. 특히, 2008년에는 RAE(Research Assessment Exercise)에서 학교의 우수함을 증명받기도 했으며, 절반 이상의 연구결과들이 높은 평가를 받았다. 드몽포트대학교는 훌륭한 시설과 최상의 서포트에 기반한 학습환경을 제공하는 학교로 주목받고 있다. 이러한 환경은 미술과 디자인 전공을 우수하게 평가받을 수 있는 뒷받침이 되었다. 특히나, 신발디자인, 속옷디자인 등의 다양한 패션관련 디자인 전공이 우수한 평가를 받고 있는 것이 특징이다.
International Foundation Programme: Art and Design
FDA Footwear
FDA Interior Design
FDA Photography and Video
IIB - International Year Zero (IYZ)
Art and Design Foundation Diploma |
BA (Hons) Acting |
BA (Hons) Acting (Creative Performance Practice) (Apply direct with Leicester College) |
BA (Hons) Advertising and Marketing Communications |
BA (Hons) Animation |
BA (Hons) Architecture |
BA (Hons) Arts and Festivals Management |
BA (Hons) Business Administration |
BA (Hons) Business and Marketing |
BA (Hons) Business Entrepreneurship and Innovation |
BA (Hons) Business Management |
BA (Hons) Concept and Comic Arts |
BA (Hons) Contour Fashion |
BA (Hons) Creative Design Management (Level 6 Top-up) |
BA (Hons) Creative Writing |
BA (Hons) Creative Writing and Drama |
BA (Hons) Creative Writing and English Literature |
BA (Hons) Creative Writing with Education Studies |
BA (Hons) Criminal Investigation and Policing Studies |
BA (Hons) Criminology |
BA (Hons) Criminology with Psychology |
BA (Hons) Dance |
BA (Hons) Design Crafts |
BA (Hons) Drama and Theatre Arts |
BA (Hons) Education Studies |
BA (Hons) Education Studies with Mandarin |
BA (Hons) Education Studies with Psychology |
BA (Hons) English Language an Linguistics with Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) |
BA (Hons) English Language and Linguistics |
BA (Hons) English Language and Linguistics with Mandarin |
BA (Hons) English Language and Literature |
BA (Hons) English Literature |
BA (Hons) English Literature with Education Studies |
BA (Hons) English Literature with Mandarin |
BA (Hons) Esports Production |
BA (Hons) Fashion Buying with Design |
BA (Hons) Fashion Buying with Merchandising |
BA (Hons) Fashion Communication and Styling |
BA (Hons) Fashion Design |
BA (Hons) Fashion Marketing |
BA (Hons) Fashion textile Design |
BA (Hons) Film Studies |
BA (Hons) Fine Art |
BA (Hons) Footwear Design |
BA (Hons) Game Art |
BA (Hons) Graphic Design |
BA (Hons) Hisotry, Politics and Interantional Relations |
BA (Hons) History |
BA (Hons) History with Education Studies |
BA (Hons) History with Mandarin |
BA (Hons) History, Heritage and Tourism |
BA (Hons) Human Resource Management |
BA (Hons) Illustration with Graphic Design |
BA (Hons) Interior Design |
BA (Hons) International Tourism and Hospitality Management |
BA (Hons) Internatonal Business |
BA (Hons) Journalism |
BA (Hons) Marketing |
BA (Hons) Media and Commmuication with Modern Languages |
BA (Hons) Media and Communication |
BA (Hons) Music Technology |
BA(Hons) Photography and Video |
BA(Hons) Politics and International Relations |
BA(Hons) Politics with Mandarin |
BA(Hons) Poltics with Education Studies |
BA(Hons) Product Design |
BA(Hons) Social Work |
BA(Hons) Textile Design |
BEng (Hons) / MEng Aeronautical Engineering |
BEng/MEng (Hons) Aeronautical Engineering |
Beng/Meng (Hons) Electrical and Electronic Engineering |
Beng/Meng (Hons) Mechanical Enginerering |
Beng/Meng (Hons) Mechatronics and Robotics |
BMedSci (Hons) Medical Science |
BSc (Hons) Accounting |
BSc (Hons) Accounting and Finance |
BSc (Hons) Accounting with Business Management |
BSc (Hons) Adult Nursing with NMC registration |
BSc (Hons) Applied Computing |
BSc (Hons) Architectural Technology |
BSc (Hons) Artificial Intelligence |
BSc (Hons) Biomedical Science |
BSc (Hons) Business Data Analytics |
BSc (Hons) Business Information Systems |
BSc (Hons) Child Nursing with NMC registration |
BSc (Hons) Computer Games Programming |
BSc (Hons) Computer Networks and Security |
BSc (Hons) Computer Science |
BSc (Hons) Cyber Securitiy |
BSc (Hons) Diagnostic Radiography |
BSc (Hons) Economics |
BSc (Hons) Finanace and Investment |
BSc (Hons) Games Production |
BSc (Hons) Health and Wellbeing in Society |
BSc (Hons) Healthcare Science (Audiology) |
BSc (Hons) International Finance and Business |
BSc (Hons) Learning Disability Nusing with NMC Reigistration |
BSc (Hons) Media Production |
BSc (Hons) Mental Health Nursing with NMC Registration |
BSc (Hons) Midwifery |
BSc (Hons) Music Production |
BSc (Hons) Nursing (Learning Disability) |
BSc (Hons) Nursing (Mental Health) |
BSc (Hons) Nursing(Adult) |
BSc (Hons) Nursing(Child) |
BSc (Hons) Paramedic Science |
BSc (Hons) Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Science |
BSc (Hons) Pharmaceutical Science |
BSc (Hons)/Msci Forensic Science |
BSc Practice Nursing |
BSc(Hons) Product Design |
BSc(Hons) Psychologt with Health and Wellbeing in Society |
BSc(Hons) Psychology |
BSc(Hons) Psychology with Criminology |
BSc(Hons) Psychology with Education Studies |
BSc(Hons) Psychology with Sport Management |
입학요건최종학력 성적증명서, 졸업증명서
위치The Gateway Leicester 합격후기 더보기[영국유학] 아트유학 합격후기(파운데이션)_드몽포트대학교(De Montfort University)_Art and Design
[영국] De Montfort University_서*석님(Art and Design Foundation)
Q. 현재 공부하고 계신 나라를 선택한 이유는?
다른 나라들과 다르게 토론식 수업을 한다는 점에서 가장 큰 매력을 느꼈습니다. 우리나라나 미국처럼 강의식 수업은 지루하고 학생인 저한테 창의적인 작품을 만들고 디자인 하기에는 별로 도움이 되지 못할 것 같았습니다. 토론식 수업을 통한 학생들간의 피드백이 가장 큰 장점이라고 생각을 했고 실제로 가보니 작품 디자인에 있어 가장 도움이 많았습니다. 또한 유럽국가 중에서 가장 예술 분야에서 발전되고 다양한 분야를 경험할 수 있다고 생각을 했습니다. 다른 나라들도 예술 분야가 많이 대중적이 되었지만 역사가 길고
[영국유학] 석사유학 합격후기_드몽포트대학교(De Montfort University)_Business Intelligence Systems and Data Mining
[영국] De Montfort University_ 이*준님(Business Intelligence Systems and Data Mining)
안녕하세요 저는 한국에서 대기업 유통회사에 근무하다가 데이터 분석가로의 이론적 지식을 좀 더 쌓기 위해
드몽포트에서 Business Intelligence Systems and Data Mining(석사) 과정을 준비하고 있는 이성준이라고 합니다.
영국에서 유학을 선택한 이유 ..
저는 영국으로 유학생활을 하기 전에 회사 생활을 4년 조금 넘게 했었습니다.
대기업 유통회사에서 데이터 분석가로 근무하면서 제 분야에 대한 이론적 지식의 필요성을 절실하게 느꼈고, 이
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