

University of Sussex (서섹스 대학교)
추천 포인트
26th in the UK: The Guardian University league tables 2019161st in the world: The Times Higher Edu



  • * 해변도시인 브라이튼에 위치. 저렴한 물가와 안전한 도시에서 학업을 이어갈 수 있는 것이 장점이다.
  • * 서식스 대학교는 ‘1994그룹(1994 Group)’ 창립 회원이다. 1994그룹이란 1994년 규모가 작은 톱(Top) 19개 집중연구 대학들 중심으로 최고의 연구와 교수법을 개발하기 위해 설립된 조직이다.
  • * 서섹스 대학교는 인문 사회 학부로 유명하며, 개발 연구 프로그램은 QS 세계 대학 순위에서 전 세계적으로 1위에 올랐다.
  • * 런던에서 기차로 1시간가량 걸리며 영국 대학교로는 유일하게 캠퍼스 전체가 사우스다운스국립공원(South Downs National Park) 내 구릉성 대지에 자리 잡고 있어 경관이 매우 아름답다. 팔머하우스, 미팅하우스 같은 건물은 대학의 상징물로 유명 건축상을 수상했다.


*서식스 대학교(영어: University of Sussex)는 잉글랜드 이스트서식스주 팔머에 위치한 종합 대학교로, 1961년에 설립되었다. *타임스 고등교육 세계 대학 랭킹 2018에서 서식스 대학교는 147위를 하였다. *개발학 과정이 특화되어있어 인문사회 전공의 명망이 높은 학교이다. *International Foundation, International Year1, Pre-master, English Language Course, Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Phd 과정 모두 보유 (전공에따라 제한적인 부분 확인필요***)

학교소개 더보기


*인터네셔널 파운데이션


BA (Hons) American Studies (with a study abroad year) 
BA (Hons) American Studies and English (with a study abroad year) 
BA (Hons) American Studies and Film Studies (with a study abroad year) 
BA (Hons) American Studies and History (with a study abroad year) 
BA (Hons) American Studies and Politics (with a study abroad year) 
BA (Hons) Anthropology 
BA (Hons) Anthropology and International Development 
BA (Hons) Anthropology with a Language 
BA (Hons) Art History 
BA (Hons) Art History (with a professional placement year) 
BA (Hons) Art History and Film Studies 
BA (Hons) Childhood and Youth: Theory and Practice 
BA (Hons) Creative Industries 
BA (Hons) Creative Writing 
BA (Hons) Criminology 
BA (Hons) Criminology and Sociology 
BA (Hons) Criminology with Psychology 
BA (Hons) Drama and English 
BA (Hons) Drama and Film Studies 
BA (Hons) Drama with a Language 
BA (Hons) Drama, Theatre and Performance 
BA (Hons) Economics 
BA (Hons) Economics (with a professional placement year) 
BA (Hons) Economics and International Development 
BA (Hons) Education 
BA (Hons) Education with Psychology 
BA (Hons) English 
BA (Hons) English and Art History 
BA (Hons) English and Creative Writing 
BA (Hons) English and Film Studies 
BA (Hons) English and History 
BA (Hons) English and Media Studies 
BA (Hons) English Language and Linguistics 
BA (Hons) English Language and Linguistics (with TESOL) 
BA (Hons) English Language and Literature 
BA (Hons) Film Studies 
BA (Hons) Filmmaking 
BA (Hons) Geography 
BA (Hons) Geography and Anthropology 
BA (Hons) Geography and International Development 
BA (Hons) Geography and International Relations 
BA (Hons) Geography with a Language 
BA (Hons) History 
BA (Hons) History and Anthropology 
BA (Hons) History and International Relations 
BA (Hons) History and Philosophy 
BA (Hons) History and Politics 
BA (Hons) History and Sociology 
BA (Hons) International Development 
BA (Hons) International Development with a Language 
BA (Hons) International Relations 
BA (Hons) International Relations and Anthropology 
BA (Hons) International Relations and Development 
BA (Hons) International Relations and Sociology 
BA (Hons) International Relations with a Language 
BA (Hons) Liberal Arts 
BA (Hons) Media and Communications 
BA (Hons) Media and Journalism 
BA (Hons) Media Production 
BA (Hons) Media, Arts and Humanities (with a foundation year) 
BA (Hons) Music 
BA (Hons) Music Technology 
BA (Hons) Philosophy 
BA (Hons) Philosophy and English 
BA (Hons) Philosophy and Sociology 
BA (Hons) Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE) 
BA (Hons) Politics 
BA (Hons) Politics and International Relations 
BA (Hons) Politics and Philosophy 
BA (Hons) Politics and Sociology 
BA (Hons) Primary and Early Years Education (with Qualified Teacher Status) 
BA (Hons) Product Design 
BA (Hons) Product Design (with an industrial placement year) 
BA (Hons) Social Sciences (with a foundation year) 
BA (Hons) Social Work 
BA (Hons) Sociology 
BA (Hons) Sociology and International Development 
BA (Hons) Sociology with a Language 
BA (Hons) Sociology with Media Studies 
BEng (Hons) Electrical and Electronic Engineering 
BEng (Hons) Electrical and Electronic Engineering (with an industrial placement year) 
BEng (Hons) Engineering (with a foundation year) 
BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering 
BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering (with an industrial placement year) 
BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering with Robotics 
BEng (Hons) Robotic and Mechatronic Engineering (with an industrial placement year) 
BEng (Hons) Robotic and Mechatronic Engineering 
BEng (Hons) Sustainable Automotive Engineering 
BEng (Hons) Sustainable Automotive Engineering (with an industrial placement year) 
BMBS Medicine 
BSc (Hons) Accounting and Finance 
BSc (Hons) Accounting and Finance (with a professional placement year) 
BSc (Hons) Banking and Digital Finance 
BSc (Hons) Banking and Digital Finance (with a professional placement year) 
BSc (Hons) Biochemistry 
BSc (Hons) Biochemistry (with an industrial placement year) 
BSc (Hons) Biology 
BSc (Hons) Biomedical Science 
BSc (Hons) Business and Management Studies 
BSc (Hons) Business and Management Studies (with a professional placement year) 
BSc (Hons) Business, Management and Economics (with a foundation year) 
BSc (Hons) Chemistry 
BSc (Hons) Computer Science 
BSc (Hons) Computer Science (with an industrial placement year) 
BSc (Hons) Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence 
BSc (Hons) Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence (with an industrial placement year) 
BSc (Hons) Computing for Business and Management 
BSc (Hons) Computing for Business and Management (with an industrial placement year) 
BSc (Hons) Computing for Digital Media and Games 
BSc (Hons) Computing for Digital Media and Games (with an industrial placement year) 
BSc (Hons) Computing Sciences (with a foundation year) 
BSc (Hons) Data Science 
BSc (Hons) Data Science (with an industrial placement year) 
BSc (Hons) Design and Business (with a foundation year)
BSc (Hons) Ecology and Conservation 
BSc (Hons) Economics 
BSc (Hons) Economics (with a professional placement year) 
BSc (Hons) Economics and Data Science 
BSc (Hons) Economics and Finance 
BSc (Hons) Economics and Management Studies 
BSc (Hons) Finance and Business 
BSc (Hons) Finance and Business (with a professional placement year) 
BSc (Hons) Finance and Technology (FinTech) 
BSc (Hons) Finance and Technology (FinTech) (with a professional placement year) 
BSc (Hons) Genetics 
BSc (Hons) Geography 


최종학력 성적증명서, 졸업증명서
영어 성적
포트폴리오 (전공과 레벨에 따라 유무, 가이드라인 확인 필요)
에세이 (전공과 레벨에 따라 유무, 가이드라인 확인 필요)
추천서 (전공과 레벨에 따라 유무, 가이드라인 확인 필요)


Falmer, Brighton BN1 9RH 영국

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