BA (Hons) American Studies (with a study abroad year) |
BA (Hons) American Studies and English (with a study abroad year) |
BA (Hons) American Studies and Film Studies (with a study abroad year) |
BA (Hons) American Studies and History (with a study abroad year) |
BA (Hons) American Studies and Politics (with a study abroad year) |
BA (Hons) Anthropology |
BA (Hons) Anthropology and International Development |
BA (Hons) Anthropology with a Language |
BA (Hons) Art History |
BA (Hons) Art History (with a professional placement year) |
BA (Hons) Art History and Film Studies |
BA (Hons) Childhood and Youth: Theory and Practice |
BA (Hons) Creative Industries |
BA (Hons) Creative Writing |
BA (Hons) Criminology |
BA (Hons) Criminology and Sociology |
BA (Hons) Criminology with Psychology |
BA (Hons) Drama and English |
BA (Hons) Drama and Film Studies |
BA (Hons) Drama with a Language |
BA (Hons) Drama, Theatre and Performance |
BA (Hons) Economics |
BA (Hons) Economics (with a professional placement year) |
BA (Hons) Economics and International Development |
BA (Hons) Education |
BA (Hons) Education with Psychology |
BA (Hons) English |
BA (Hons) English and Art History |
BA (Hons) English and Creative Writing |
BA (Hons) English and Film Studies |
BA (Hons) English and History |
BA (Hons) English and Media Studies |
BA (Hons) English Language and Linguistics |
BA (Hons) English Language and Linguistics (with TESOL) |
BA (Hons) English Language and Literature |
BA (Hons) Film Studies |
BA (Hons) Filmmaking |
BA (Hons) Geography |
BA (Hons) Geography and Anthropology |
BA (Hons) Geography and International Development |
BA (Hons) Geography and International Relations |
BA (Hons) Geography with a Language |
BA (Hons) History |
BA (Hons) History and Anthropology |
BA (Hons) History and International Relations |
BA (Hons) History and Philosophy |
BA (Hons) History and Politics |
BA (Hons) History and Sociology |
BA (Hons) International Development |
BA (Hons) International Development with a Language |
BA (Hons) International Relations |
BA (Hons) International Relations and Anthropology |
BA (Hons) International Relations and Development |
BA (Hons) International Relations and Sociology |
BA (Hons) International Relations with a Language |
BA (Hons) Liberal Arts |
BA (Hons) Media and Communications |
BA (Hons) Media and Journalism |
BA (Hons) Media Production |
BA (Hons) Media, Arts and Humanities (with a foundation year) |
BA (Hons) Music |
BA (Hons) Music Technology |
BA (Hons) Philosophy |
BA (Hons) Philosophy and English |
BA (Hons) Philosophy and Sociology |
BA (Hons) Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE) |
BA (Hons) Politics |
BA (Hons) Politics and International Relations |
BA (Hons) Politics and Philosophy |
BA (Hons) Politics and Sociology |
BA (Hons) Primary and Early Years Education (with Qualified Teacher Status) |
BA (Hons) Product Design |
BA (Hons) Product Design (with an industrial placement year) |
BA (Hons) Social Sciences (with a foundation year) |
BA (Hons) Social Work |
BA (Hons) Sociology |
BA (Hons) Sociology and International Development |
BA (Hons) Sociology with a Language |
BA (Hons) Sociology with Media Studies |
BEng (Hons) Electrical and Electronic Engineering |
BEng (Hons) Electrical and Electronic Engineering (with an industrial placement year) |
BEng (Hons) Engineering (with a foundation year) |
BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering |
BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering (with an industrial placement year) |
BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering with Robotics |
BEng (Hons) Robotic and Mechatronic Engineering (with an industrial placement year) |
BEng (Hons) Robotic and Mechatronic Engineering |
BEng (Hons) Sustainable Automotive Engineering |
BEng (Hons) Sustainable Automotive Engineering (with an industrial placement year) |
BMBS Medicine |
BSc (Hons) Accounting and Finance |
BSc (Hons) Accounting and Finance (with a professional placement year) |
BSc (Hons) Banking and Digital Finance |
BSc (Hons) Banking and Digital Finance (with a professional placement year) |
BSc (Hons) Biochemistry |
BSc (Hons) Biochemistry (with an industrial placement year) |
BSc (Hons) Biology |
BSc (Hons) Biomedical Science |
BSc (Hons) Business and Management Studies |
BSc (Hons) Business and Management Studies (with a professional placement year) |
BSc (Hons) Business, Management and Economics (with a foundation year) |
BSc (Hons) Chemistry |
BSc (Hons) Computer Science |
BSc (Hons) Computer Science (with an industrial placement year) |
BSc (Hons) Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence |
BSc (Hons) Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence (with an industrial placement year) |
BSc (Hons) Computing for Business and Management |
BSc (Hons) Computing for Business and Management (with an industrial placement year) |
BSc (Hons) Computing for Digital Media and Games |
BSc (Hons) Computing for Digital Media and Games (with an industrial placement year) |
BSc (Hons) Computing Sciences (with a foundation year) |
BSc (Hons) Data Science |
BSc (Hons) Data Science (with an industrial placement year) |
BSc (Hons) Design and Business (with a foundation year) |
BSc (Hons) Ecology and Conservation |
BSc (Hons) Economics |
BSc (Hons) Economics (with a professional placement year) |
BSc (Hons) Economics and Data Science |
BSc (Hons) Economics and Finance |
BSc (Hons) Economics and Management Studies |
BSc (Hons) Finance and Business |
BSc (Hons) Finance and Business (with a professional placement year) |
BSc (Hons) Finance and Technology (FinTech) |
BSc (Hons) Finance and Technology (FinTech) (with a professional placement year) |
BSc (Hons) Genetics |
BSc (Hons) Geography |
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