
라이어슨 유니버시티
Ryerson University => Toronto Metropolitan University로 이름 변경


Ryerson University => Toronto Metropolitan University로 이름 변경 (라이어슨 유니버시티)
재학생 현황
학부생: 38,000명, 석사 & 박사: 2,300명
학교 랭킹
Top 50 Research University 2010에서 29 등
캐나다 National Reputational Ranking 에서 48개 중의 대학교 중 17등



  • The Globe and Mail 뉴스 리포트에 의해 Quality of Education 심사에서 A- 평가 획득
  • 직업 중심의 4년제 대학교


Ryerson University => 2022년 4월 부로 Toronto Metropolitan University로 이름 변경됨

학교소개 더보기


  • Ted Rogers School of Management: (매니지먼트)

Accounting and Finance/ Business management/ Business Technology Management/ Foundations of management/ Health Information Management/ Health Services Management/ Hospitality and Tourism management/ Retail Management


  • Engineering and Architectural Science(공학/ 건축학과)

 Architectural Science/ Aerospace Engineering/ Biomedical Engineering/ Chemical Engineering Co-op/ Civil engineering/ Computer Engineering/ Electrical Engineering/ Industrial Engineering/ mechanical Engineering/


  • Communication & Design( 커뮤니케이션 & 디자인)

Creative Industries/ Fashion Communication/ Fashion Design/ Graphic Communications Management/ Image Arts: Film Studies/ Image Arts” Photography Studies/ Interior Design/ Journalism/ Performance: Acting/Dance/ Production/ Communication/ RTA School of Media; Media Production, New Media, Sport media


  • Community Services( 커뮤니티 서비스/ 사회복지학과)

Child and Youth Care/ Disability studies/ Early Childhood Studies/ Midwifery/ Nursing/ Nutrition and Food/ Occupational and Public Health / Social Work/ Urban Regional Planning


  • Arts(문학부 )

 Arts and Contemporary Studies/ Criminology/ English/ Environment and Urban Sustainability/ Geographic Analysis/ History/ Philosophy/ International Economics and Finance/ Politics and Governance/ Psychology/ Public Administration and Governance/ Sociology/ Social Sciences and Humanities Foundation


  • Science(과학부)

Computer Science/ biology/ Biomedical Science/ Chemistry/ Contemporary Science/ medical Physics/ Financial mathematics/ Mathematics and its Applications


현지 고등학교 재학생 입학 요건:
4 Provincial 과목
평균 73% 이상

한국에서 고등학교 졸업 후 입학 요건:
한국 고등학교 졸업장
전체 평균
영어 점수 : IELTS 6.5/ TOEFL: 92-93 iBT


350 Victoria St, Toronto, ON M5B 2K3, 캐나다

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